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Mailmunchgrow Your Email List For Free

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In my WordPress series, I have written articles about what it takes to run a WordPress site on shared hosting. Today I present to you an article listing some of the best free WordPress plugins to install and use on your WordPress blog or website.

I personally use most of these plugins. So, yes, my recommendation comes from experience using the plugins on various sites I have had over the years.

In the custom domain tab, you can have the DKIM records for your Mailmunch account verified for optimal email deliverability and verify a sub-domain for publishing your landing pages on. If you require further clarification for this, please reach out to us through your Mailmunch account. 5 easy ways to grow your email list for free. If you're just now thinking of ways to grow your email list, don't worry, it's never too late to improve your email marketing strategy to build brand awareness and engagement for your company. Here are a few ways you can utilize our tips and tricks to grow your email list for free.

If you are looking for the best plugins to use on your self-hosted WordPress site for free, go through this list and tell me what you think.

Ad Inserter

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I use Ad Inserter to add display ads to my blog. Specifically, I use the plugin to add Google AdSense code to my blog posts. I also use the plugin to add Amazon affiliate ads to my posts.

Another popular alternative, that is really really good, is a plugin called Advanced Ads. It's free too.

Akismet Anti-Spam

Awhile ago, I would use Akismet to block spam on my blog. Currently I have the plugin installed but deactivated.

I mainly rely on reCAPTCHA to deal with spam on this site – using one of the plugins listed below.

All In One SEO Pack

I use All In One SEO Pack to add meta tags and description to my WordPress blog posts, pages and product pages.

I also use the plugin to help optimize my site's onpage SEO.

A popular alternative with WordPress site owners is the Yoast SEO plugin. Both work fine. Choose the one you like.

All in One Webmaster

I use All in One Webmaster to add various verification codes to my site.

For example Google Analytics code, Google Search Console code, Bing Webmasters code, Pinterest verification code among others.

Note that you can also use All in One SEO Pack / SEO by Yoast to add some of the code to your WordPress site.

Broken Link Checker

I use Broken Link Checker to help me find broken links on my site.

It automatically detects internal and external links that are broken.

Then I can fix them or remove them.

Classic Editor

Since I sometimes want to do things a little bit faster, I use the WordPress site I have installed on my laptop (I use XAMPP for this) and then later import the content to my live site.

I use the Classic Editor plugin to edit and manage the content I add as pages or posts.

The editor is easy to use.

If you don't want to use the default Gutenberg Editor, install this plugin.

Contact Form 7

I use Contact Form 7 to create and add contact forms to WordPress pages and posts on my blog.

Users of my site can easily send me emails / messages via said forms.

Exclude Pages from Navigation

When creating new pages on my blog, I use Exclude Pages to tell WordPress whether a particular page should be automatically added to the main navigation or not.

Fast Secure reCAPTCHA

I use Fast Secure reCAPTCHA to add Google reCAPTCHA checkboxes to my blog – to help reduce spam.

I add the boxes on contact forms and comments section mainly.

Flickr – Pick a Picture

I use Flickr – Pick a Picture to add images to my blog posts from the millions of pictures photographers / freelancers / businesses / individuals post to Flickr.

Some of the images, I use inside the posts I publish.

Others, I also use as ‘featured images'.

Google XML Sitemaps

I use Google XML Sitemaps to create a sitemap for my WordPress site automatically.

It is a very popular plugin – if you want search bots to easily detect and crawl the links in your site's sitemap.

Inline Related Posts

I use Inline Related Posts to add two to three links to related posts inside my other blog posts.

This helps with increased pageviews, time on page and helps my readers discover new and related content.

iThemes Security

I use iThemes Security to increase my WordPress site's security.

To secure my login pages.

To prevent hackers from using brute force to gain access to the site – infecting my site and readers's devices with malware for example.

And to block certain bots / people using their IP addresses.

Jetpack by

I use Jetpack mainly as an alternative to the site stats I gather using Google Analytics.

I also use the plugin to auto-share my newly published articles to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

At various times, I have also used it to show related posts, verify my site with search engines (Google, Bing & Pinterest for example).

Juiz Social Post Sharer

I use Juiz Social Post Sharer to add social sharing buttons to my blog posts, select pages and my product pages.

On my posts I give readers the option to share my articles to their Facebook feeds, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn and to their contact lists via email.

You have the option to display the buttons at the top or bottom of posts – or both.


I use LiveChat to chat in real-time with readers / customers who visit my WordPress site.

If you are looking for a WordPress chat plugin to help your business grow it's conversions, you might find this plugin useful.

MailMunch – Grow Your Email List

I use MailMunch to grow my email list.

The plugin helps me create different types of opt-in boxes that I use to encourage my readers to download my free ebooks or enroll for my free online courses.

All they have to do is sign up via email.

No Self Pings

I use No Self Pings to avoid links to my own posts or pages added to my dashboard / blog posts whenever I interlink my own content.

Pixabay Images

I use Pixabay Images to quickly find relevant and free images to use on my blog posts and pages.

Pixabay is a site that hosts millions of images you can use for free – with or without author attribution.

Pretty Links

I use Pretty Links to shorten links on my site – affiliate links for example.

I also use this plugin to create temporary and permanent redirects.

For example if I move a particular post to another URL, I can use this plugin to create a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one.

Pricing Table

I use Pricing Table to create pricing tables for some of the products and services I sell.

I use this for example to give customers an easy way to compare the web hosting plans I sell on one of my sites.

So, if you have various options for a product or service, you can use this plugin to highlight the features and show the different prices for each option.

Q2W3 Fixed Widget

I use Q2W3 Fixed Widget to make some of the widgets I have added to my primary sidebar float / follow a reader when they scroll up and down a page or post on my blog.

Really Simple SSL

I use Really Simple SSL to force all my sites http links to https.

This is one of the plugins I usually add and activate right after installing WordPress.

It makes sure the free SSL certificate I use works well with all the URLs / links generated when I add new content to my site (pages, posts, tags, uploads to my media library & products).

ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7

I use ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7 to add the Google reCAPTCHA check boxes to contact forms I create using the Contact Form 7 plugin.

Specifically, this plugin makes it easy to copy and paste the reCAPTCHA keys to my WordPress site.

SEO Friendly Images

I use SEO Friendly Images to optimize images I upload to my WordPress site for SEO.

This plugin adds a description section for the images I use – on top of the image title and alternative text fields.

Shortcodes Ultimate

I use Shortcodes Ultimate to add various shortcodes to my content that change the way content is displayed to my readers on the front-end.

I can use this plugin to highlight text (key points in a paragraph for example) using various colors, add textboxes, tables, buttons (to improve CTA) or to add a list of posts (in a specific category) to other posts or pages.

Simple Tags

I use Simple Tags to add and manage tags to my WordPress blog posts and pages.

Remember that with a fresh WordPress install, tags can only be added to posts. With this plugin, you can add tags to your pages as well.


I use SumoMe to add image sharing (to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest) to the images I add to my blog posts.

The plugin can also be used as a lead generation tool (increase email sign ups via pop ups, embeds and other type of email sign up boxes).

It also has nifty social sharing buttons for devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.

Table of Contents Plus

I use Table of Contents Plus to automatically create a table of contents for most of my blog posts.

The plugin picks from the subheadings (H2, H3, H4 etc.) to automatically create clickable table of contents similar to the ones you see on Wikipedia.

The table of contents are also used as jump links by search engines such as Google.


I use TablePress to create tables on WordPress.

This plugin is perfect for WordPress sites publishing reviews / comparison style posts – such as niche sites monetizing their content with affiliate marketing.

The plugin is popular among users who rely on Amazon Associates Program for some of their income / revenue / profits.

Thank Me Later

I use Thank Me Later to automatically send a thank you email whenever a a person reads a post of mine and leaves a comment.

If I do reply to their comment, they also get notified right away – and given a link they can click to see the reply.

Tracking Code Manager

I use Tracking Code Manager to add Facebook Pixel code to my WordPress site.

As long as you own a Facebook page, and run Facebook ads or not, I recommend you install this plugin and add the pixel code.

You can also add similar code from Twitter, Google Ads among other services.

Ultimate Category Excluder

I use Ultimate Category Excluder to exclude posts in certain categories from being shown on my site's homepage / main blog page.

This is perfect for multi-niche sites. If you publish content on a variety of topics, you can use this plugin to exclude categories that only have a few posts (1 to 10) from taking space on the main page where your other blog posts are shown.

UpdratPlus – Backup/Restore

I use UpdratPlus to backup my WordPress install (in its entirety) to my Google Drive account for free.

You can also use this plugin to back up you site to UpdraftPlus, Amazon among other cloud services.

And then if something goes wrong, you can use UpdraftPlus from within your WordPress admin dashboard to restore your site to the latest (working) version.

User Switching

Button up create custom buttons roblox. I use User Switching to switch between users.

This is useful if your site has multiple users with different user role capabilities and you want to see what each user is able to see / access / do.

As an administrator, you can quickly switch to another user (with their role set as Editor, Contributor, Author, Subscriber, Customer, Shop Manager, or another Administrator profile).

This plugin is perfect if you are running a WordPress forum (with bbPress for example), a WordPress social networking site (with BuddyPress for example), a WordPress dating site (using Rencontre), a WordPress business directory (using Geodirectory for example) or a WordPress classifieds site (using AWPCP – Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin).

W3 Total Cache

I use W3 Total Cache to speed up WordPress.

Leveraging the browser caching and minification features that come with the plugin, I can reduce my site's page load speeds by a lot.

The plugin can also be used to connect, and take advantage of CDN features by popular providers such as Cloudflare (has a free plan), MaxCDN, Amazon AWS among others.

WhatsApp Share Button

I use WhatsApp Share Button to add share buttons at the top and bottom of my blog posts.

You can decide to simply add the buttons at the top or bottom, on blog posts, pages or both.

If you want to make it easy for your readers to share your content on the messaging app, get this plugin.

Note that Jetpack also has a WhatsApp sharing button.


I use WooCommerce to add an online shop to my WordPress blog.

I use the shop to sell various products (ebooks & online courses) and freelance services (content writing, virtual assistant services, WordPress installation and consulting services).

WooCommerce makes it simple to create product pages, product descriptions and add product images – and to sell online on WordPress (both physical and digital products).

WordPress Importer

I use WordPress Importer to import XML files of WordPress posts or pages from the site I have installed on my laptop (you can use XAMPP or LAMP for this) to the production site (

This means I can work offline (write posts, add them to the text Editor, edit them and schedule them) and simply import the XML file from the WP installation on my laptop to

WordPress Popular Posts

I use WordPress Popular Posts to display a list of my most popular posts as a widget on Prifad's sidebar area.

I can display posts that are trending now or posts that have been popular in the last 24 hours / 7 days / 30 days.

Or use it to display my all time popular posts.

WP Clone by WP Academy

I use WP Clone by WP Academy to clone a WordPress installation in another location to my new site.

I usually use this plugin when setting up a new WordPress blog or website.

Instead of installing everything from scratch (WP core, plugins & themes) I simple have a ZIP file saved somewhere (usually on another site's Media Library) then all I have to do is point this plugin to the location / URL of that file.

All it does is copy that file exactly as it is, customizations and all.

Saves me a lot of time always. I can have a site up and running (fully set up) in mere minutes.

If you want a link to the package I use (ZIP file), let me know.

WP External Links

I use WP External Links to add nofollow tags to outgoing links.

I can also use the plugin to exclude certain domains / URLs from having the nofollow tag automatically added to them.

If you use affiliate links in your blog posts, this is probably one of those plugins you should install.

WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache

I use WP-Optimize to optimize my WordPress databases – makes things run a little more efficiently.

I also use the plugin to do a little cleaning up once in awhile (removing comments marked as spam / trash and for deleting duplicate posts and pages for example).

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

I use Yet Another Related Posts Plugin to display a list of related articles at the end of my blog posts.

I use the bottom section of my posts to automatically recommend similar posts to my readers using YARPP.

You can have a list of posts without images or you can make YARPP display the posts' featured images along with the titles.

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

Since I have a WooCommerce store on my site, I use YITH WooCommerce Wishlist to add the wishlist feature to my shop.

Customers can easily add specific products / services to their wishlist.

If you run an ecommerce store on WordPress using the WooCommerce plugin and are interested in more awesome WooCommerce extensions, check this list of over 50 plugin extensions and themes over at
YITH – there are free and pro versions for each of the plugins.

If I had to install 10 WordPress plugins only, I'd go with …

  1. All in One SEO Pack. Why? I can use this to optimize my content for SEO. I can also use the plugin to add verification code for Google Search Console, Bing Webmasters, Google Analytics and Pinterest. I can also use it to automatically create XML sitemaps bots can easily discover and crawl. Basically to help search engines discover new links on my site and index (and rank) them.
  2. iThemes Security. Why? To improve my site's security. Prevent people having access via brute force. Prevent hackers from easily spamming or gaining entry to the site to cause harm – to me and readers (infecting them with malware for example).
  3. Table of Contents Plus. Why? To automatically create table of contents for my WordPress pages and blog posts. These are similar to the ones you see on Wikipedia and can help readers jump to the sections that are most relevant to them especially if you publish really long pages and blog posts.
  4. Ad Inserter / Advanced Ads. Why? To quickly add banner ads to my post content promoting in-house offers (my products & services) or to add advertising by ad networks like Google AdSense / or affiliate banners by online shops like
  5. MailMunch. Why? To grow my email list – create popovers, sidebar signup forms, email sign up form embeds in posts and click-triggered sign up forms.
  6. WordPress Importer. Why? To quickly get the posts and pages I export from the WordPress installation on my laptop to my main site –
  7. W3 Total Cache. Why? For its minification and caching features – so I can reduce my page load speeds even further.
  8. Really Simple SSL. Why? To enforce https and make sure everything works okay with the SSL certificate I use (make sure there is a secure connection between the user and my site at all times).
  9. Pixabay Images. Why? To quickly access millions / thousands of free images I can use on the various articles I publish.
  10. Jetpack. Why? For the auto-posting feature I talked about above, to add social sharing buttons and related posts.

That's it. My list of the best free WordPress plugins to install and enjoy in 2020, 2021, 2022 and beyond.

What other free plugins do you use on your WordPress blog / website that you think other readers should know about? Share in the comments section below.

To read my other articles on WordPress, go here.

For the domain registrars and web hosting companies I recommend, click here and here.

To hire me, and use my WordPress services, go here.

For all my recent articles, go to homepage.

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Collecting emails from your website visitors is the most important aspect of internet marketing. MailMunch lets you create beautiful optin forms for your WordPress without writing a single line of code. Most blogs are designed for hit-and-run readers. People find your blog, read your article, and leave. Wouldn't it be nice if some of those people subscribe so you can email them later?

MailMunch provides the tools you need to grow your email list and convert visitors into customers. Now, people will find your blog, read your article, and subscribe via email to your newsletter. You can also sync your newsletter subscribers to MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, InfusionSoft and others.

MailMunch is a standalone service that integrates with all web platforms including WordPress. You must have a MailMunch account if you want to use the premium features.


  • Opt-in Form Types: Popup, Embedded, Top Bar, Scroll Box, and Sidebar
  • Integrations: MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, InfusionSoft or any other email marketing service
  • Themes: Beautiful and fully customizable themes to make your email optin popup look amazing
  • A/B Testing: Find which opt-in form gets more email subscribers
  • Targeting: Display rules will help you display optin forms only on specific pages, categories or posts
  • Exit-Intent: Choose whether to display the popover when a user enters your page, or when they're about to exit.
  • Analytics: View email subscription analytics and statistics for all time

Beautiful Optin Form Designs

MailMunch Designer let's you choose from professionally designed high-converting themes for Popups, Embed Forms, Top Bars, or other types. Each design has been maximized for high conversion rates. You can further customize the optin forms to match with your website or blog.

Connect With Major Email Providers

Easily connect with all major email marketing providers including AWeber, MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse and Campaign Monitor. This means that if you use an email manager like MailChimp, your new email subscribers can automatically subscribe to your list instantly. Alternatively, you can simply export email subscribers in CSV format.

Mailmunchgrow Your Email List For Free Download

A/B Testing

Eliminate the guess work from your decisions and let us help you take conversion rates to the next level by A/B testing different content and templates. You can create different optin forms and we'll tell you which one performs better.

Page Level Targeting

Our page-level targeting will help you display optin forms only on specific pages, categories or posts. You can whitelist or blacklist URLs. It will help you build super-targeted lists of email addresses from visitors.

Entry/Exit Technology

You can have the optin forms appear immediately when a visitor opens your site, or if you want to be less intrusive, you can have it appear when they are about to exit your website. Our entry and exit popup technology detects user behavior and prompts them at the precise moment they are about to leave.


Easily find out which pages, posts or optin forms are bringing in the most conversions. This will help influence your future decisions about content on your website and improve your lead generation strategy.

MailChimp Integration

MailChimp integration allows you to painlessly add MailChimp sign up forms to your WordPress site. The MailChimp forms capture leads and sends it to specific MailChimp lists automatically. You can set it to single opt-in, or double opt-in. You can add MailChimp forms to posts, pages or sidebar, and also open it as a popup or top bar. Simply sign up and connect your MailChimp account into the plugin admin settings and it will pull in all your MailChimp lists. From there you can choose the lists you want to make forms for.

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Our improved signup plugin for MailChimp will proactively sign-up new subscribers to your MailChimp newsletter list. Our forms offer the same basic features that MailChimp's official plugin, but also much more. In addition to the form, analytics will help you track the number of form views and subscriptions.

Constant Contact Integration

Constant Contact integration allows you to painlessly add Constant Contact sign up forms to your WordPress site. The Constant Contact forms capture leads and sends it to specific Constant Contact lists automatically. You can set it to single opt-in, or double opt-in. You can add Constant Contact forms to posts, pages or sidebar, and also open it as a popup or top bar. Simply sign up and connect your Constant Contact account into the plugin admin settings and it will pull in all your Constant Contact lists. From there you can choose the lists you want to make forms for.

Our improved signup plugin for Constant Contact will proactively sign-up new subscribers to your newsletter list. Our forms offer the same basic features that Constant Contact's official plugin, but also much more. In addition to the Constant Contact form, analytics will help you track the number of form views and subscriptions.
Our MailChimp email newsletter list builder helps WordPress users build their audiences online.

Email newsletter integration options

  • MailChimp newsletter integration
  • AWeber newsletter integration
  • Constant Contact newsletter integration
  • Campaign Monitor newsletter integration
  • GetResponse newsletter integration

Why people use MailChimp

  • MailChimp has free plans
  • MailChimp automatically integrates with our plugin
  • MailChimp easily sends newsletters
  • MailChimp handles lists of all sizes
  • MailChimp can send automated drip campaigns (scheduled emails)
  • MailChimp has better list management
  • MailChimp has great error messaging
  • MailChimp has interest groups/segments

Why people use Constant Contact

  • Constant Contact has free plans
  • Constant Contact automatically integrates with our plugin
  • Constant Contact easily sends newsletters
  • Constant Contact handles lists of all sizes
  • Constant Contact can send automated drip campaigns (scheduled emails)
  • Constant Contact has better list management
  • Constant Contact has great error messaging
  • Constant Contact has interest groups/segments
  • Constant Contact is a big company
  • Constant Contact is reliable

Why people use AWeber

  • AWeber has a $1 first month
  • AWeber automatically integrates with our plugin
  • AWeber easily sends your newsletters
  • AWeber scales to handle large or small lists
  • AWeber can also send automated drip campaigns



Mailmunchgrow Your Email List For Free Agents

  1. Upload folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Ota lisäosa käyttöön WordPress hallintapaneelin Lisäosat kohdassa
  3. Click on MailMunch to configure your optin forms
  4. Sign in or Sign up for your MailMunch account
  5. Enjoy the increased subscribers and traffic to your site


Does this plugin slow down my site?

Absolutely not. MailMunch is designed with high performance and scalability in mind. It's completely asynchronous and hosted on Amazon's highly scalable infrastructure. Some of our customers have very high traffic websites.

Do I need a MailMunch account?

You will need a MailMunch account if you want to use any of our premium features. It's 100% free to sign up and you can have unlimited forms for free.

How many more emails will list builder help me get?

Most people see a 100% to 500% growth in their email subscribers.

Can I customize the look and feel of the popup?

You can use our designer or fully control the CSS in the advanced section.

Mailmunchgrow Your Email List For Free Robux

Do I need coding skills to use MailMunch?

No, It is super simple and easy to use for anyone. Our form designer lets you create professional forms without writing a single line of code. If you get stuck, our support will cover you for free.

Do you provide instant connections to any email providers?

Yes, we provide instant integration with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse and other email marketing apps. When a user subscribes, their email is automatically subscribed to your MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, or other newsletter list. Alternately, you can simply download a CSV list of your newsletter subscribers.

How can I integrate with a email marketing software?

Once you go to create your email subscribe form, you will see the integration step where you can integrate with MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber and others.

How does the exit popup work?

Mailmunchgrow Your Email List For Free Shipping

Exit popup technology opens the popup with your email subscription form just when your website visitor is about to leave. This is the best way to turn abandoning visitors into subscribers and customers.


The truth is that it is an excellent page to get contacts, pity that in the free version they give so little

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